5 Signs Your Website Needs a Facelift

Businesses are like people that grow and evolve over time, so it’s important that your online brand stays on top of consumer trends and that you continue to update your brand and website. If you’ve got an online business or one that heavily relies on the online market, it’s important that you continue to update your website regularly - but that doesn’t mean a huge design overhaul!


Here are a few key indicators that you’re ready for a website refresh:

  1. Your business has grown and you’ve got more to offer

    It’s completely normal for a business to shift it’s shape as you refine it and figure out what you’re truly passionate about. Maybe you started off with 10 offerings and now realize that only two of the ten are actually things you like to do AND make you money. Slimming down your services and getting more strategic means an update is in the near future for you.

  2. You’re not proud of your website, it doesn’t feel like you

    Your website is the online front-door to your business and it’s important that you feel proud sending potential clients or customers there. If you don’t - it’s time to breathe new life into your website and focus on helping your brand attributes shine.

  3. Your ideal target market has shifted

    Maybe you’ve realized your product or service plays better to a different gender, age group or you’ve moved to a new city. It’s important to update your website to speak directly to your ideal clients to inspire them to take action.

  4. Your sales have plateaued

    Don’t worry! If you feel like you’ve hit a wall with sales or have been on autopilot for awhile, it’s time to take a breather and undergo a digital facelift.


Did you read through that list and realize it’s time for you to take some action?

Here are a few quick tips to upgrading your online presence that won’t take you a ton of time of effort but will have a big impact.

  1. Update your color theme

    This doesn’t mean shocking your audience with an entirely different color palette, but refining the colors you currently have to be fresh but familiar. For example, instead of choosing entirely different colors, maybe choose to go with a darker or lighter variation of the existing color palette. Not sure what colors to use? Check out https://coolors.co/ to generate a color theme you love!

  2. Streamline your logo

    By creating cleaner lines around your logo or changing the font to look more modern, you can instantly enhance your brand. To do this you can hire someone to create the logo for you or use https://logomakr.com/ to create a quick logo without any downloads or fees.

  3. Replace old photos with new HIGH RES ones

    All too often I work with clients who provide great services that have a ton of added value, but the imagery they use to promote their products or services are blurry or have an outdated feel. Many people ask me to refer them to photographers, and while I think that is absolutely the best route to go for the best photos, sometimes a great iPhone and a friend with a good eye can go a long way. Try swapping out old product or service photos, or even the photos of you on the website with new, more contemporary photos to give a polished feel.

If you don’t have any photos and are starting from scratch

check out this post for the top 10 websites for high-quality stock photos !

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