5 Ways to Increase Your Website Engagement

Are you doing all the things to drive traffic to your website, but not seeing the growth in your business?

Why aren’t your website visitors knocking down your door already?!

They know you exist and what you do, so why aren’t they choosing you over your competitor?

Simply put - your website isn’t working as hard as you are, but that’s about to change! Today I’m going to share five tips to increase your website conversion and turn your visitors into warm leads.

Before we jump into those savory tips, I want you to answer these four questions:

  • What is the goal of my website?

  • How is my website helping my business grow?

  • What single action do I really want my ideal clients to take when landing on my website?

  • Would I buy from this site?

Every business I work with always has to answer that first question before we go any further.

Why do I ask this? Why is this SO important? Because it’s impossible to build a website that has an impact if we don’t know what we’re looking to improve. You can’t improve something that you can’t measure.

Make sure to take the time to nail down the answers to those questions, and you’ll have a much easier time making strategic website decisions that will help your business grow.

It’s certainly time your website worked as hard as you do (preferably harder)!

If this is all new to you, I’ve got something to really kickstart your website exploration. Check out my 2019 Freebie, the Ultimate Website Guide to help you line up your goals and build a site that amplifies what makes your business great.

Okay, that’s enough of yammerin’ - let’s get to the tips!


  1. Encourage action with CTA’s

All great websites have a call to action! These are buttons or links that encourage your visitor to engage with you, whether that’s buying your products, services, or inquiring about them.

If your page doesn’t have a CTA or only has one at the top of the page, you’re leaving money on the table.

It’s important to give your visitors all the information they need to make a decision, and to make it extremely easy for them to engage with you when their interest is piqued.

Try adding a CTA at the end with a personal note and you’ll undoubtedly see a better conversion rate in no time.

Things to remember

  • Have a CTA on (almost) every page so people can easily engage with your services

  • Use Buttons instead of text links to really make the CTA pop!


2. Design for the viewer, not yourself

The biggest mistake I see that happen all the time, is small buisness owners designing for themselves rather than their ideal clients or customers.

We’re not just talking about colors here, but also how we organize content and layout information so that we engage the viewer with content they care about.

Try making design decisions centered around answering these three questions:

  1. Who is my ideal customer?

    Gaining a clear understanding of who you’re talking to, what interests them, where they are from (and more), will help you develop content that speaks directly to your ideal client and resonates with them. This will not only help build your credibility with the viewer, but it will increase their interest in working with you.

  2. If they used Google, what search term did they use?

    This tells us what problem their trying to solve and can give you cues on how to serve up the solution. Check out Google Search Console to gain more insight on keywords.

  3. What questions are they looking for the answers to?

    Serving up relevant content is key to keeping people on your website. Get rid of the fluff and tell the people what they want to know!

These questions help to illustrate user intent. Your content should always satisfy user intent!

When you don’t satisfy user intent, it can also have a negative impact to your SEO ranking. Website visitors should know by the end of your first paragraph that they are in the right place to solve their problem.


3. Give evidence to support your marketing

Visitors are going to need to make a decision when they land on your page, and to make that decision they may prefer to see data (quantitative evidence) or social proof (qualitative evidence).

One study found that 91% of consumers between ages 18-34 trust reviews as much as they do personal recommendations. In another study, 93% of participants said reviews have influenced their purchasing decisions.

Do not put testimonials on a testimonials page!

Put them on relevant product or service pages.

Visitors will likely miss evidence if you don’t put it in the right context for them. Placing social proof near areas of your site where you have CTA’s can help to instill confidence, and increase your chances of conversion.


4.Mobile optimization

If you’re not currently optimized for mobile, how does it make you feel to know you’re missing 51% of potential opportunities?

With over 50% of consumers using the internet on their phones to view content, you absolutely must make sure that your website is optimized for mobile.

What does that even mean?!

Basically, it means that if someone loads your website on their phone they can easily navigate the site, there are no readability issues like images covering text, or text becoming impossible to read over images, etc.

Test your website on mobile and make adjustments if you need to. You can often use CSS tricks to format the mobile view to make it more readable.


5. Make it easy to buy from you

When you’re trying to increase conversion to increase your revenue, you need to make the flow of purchase incredibly easy. They shouldn’t have to figure out where to click to buy, it has to be evident and accomplished in as few clicks as possible.

Deploy the Gram Test! Can your grandmother figure out how to buy from your site in just a minute or two?

I hope you’re answer is yes, but if it’s not:

  • Tell your visitors what they should do next. Always guide the visitor toward the action you want them to take.

  • Limit the number of options you give the viewer. The more choice you give the viewer, the easier it is to choose nothing. Too many choices can paralyze the viewer. If you’ve got a lot of products or services, implement filters so your prospects can find the right thing for them without spending too much time.

  • Build forms for simplicity - don’t have a TON of fields. Yes, you want information in order to qualify your leads, but if you ask for too much up front, less people will fill it out.

  • Don’t force viewers to sign up before they can buy - this will absolutely deter a significant amount of your audience from buying. Allow them to checkout as a guest or use Facebook/Google to sign up.


Let’s put this all together in a 4 point checklist:

  • Does this page answer the top questions my visitor will have?

  • Does this page include evidence to support our claims?

  • Does this page state the benefits of my product or service?

  • Does this page have a clear call to action?

What you should do right now -

Follow me on for more website design tips!

You can also download the Free Website Workbook to help you think strategically about your website design:



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