5 reasons your business needs a website


There area a lot of businesses who go through a phase where they question if having a website even matters. I can’t tell you how many times I hear,

I’ve got a Facebook and I’m selling without a website - so why bother?

Listen, we’re friends here. I am not here to tell you that your business will die without a website. I’m here to talk to you about what happens when you DO have a website, a few reasons it matters and can help your business - so let’s get into it!


A lot of people start businesses and don’t have websites. Instead, they typically use social or a services platform (like Houzz) to generate new business and establish themselves. That’s not a bad way to go, but you can think of it like entering any other marketplace - where competition is high and it is harder to stand out from the amateurs.

90% of consumers claim that online reviews influence their buying decisions and by adding these into your website rather than hosting them on other social platforms, you’re giving them a direct way to connect with you and social proof that your business can be trusted.

By having your own website, you elevate your brand perception and appear more professional. Elevating your brand means you may even be able to raise your prices because you’ve established a higher value in the consumers mind.


You’re not a hobbyist, you’re a professional


Let’s be honest, most of the time when we’re looking for services or answers to questions - we just pop a sentence or two into our preferred search engine (Google, Bing, etc). 81% of consumers search online before making a purchase, and the more hoops they have to jump through to find you, the less likely they are going to choose you.

If you don’t have a website, the chances of you showing up in that search are ZILCH, zero, NAH-DAH. If you have a website you can optimize it for search engines, increasing your chances of appearing at the top of those results and gaining more visibility in the market.

When you have a website and someone searches for “interior designer near me,” your website will pops up lookin’ profresh and ready to engage with them.

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show up in search results


Plainly put, people buy from people they trust. By having your own space online, your brand can build a strong dialog with the exact person you want to work with and encourage them to engage with you. You’re able to better position your brand and speak directly and specifically to your ideal client. When they land on your website with a message that speaks to them, they’ll feel an instant connection with your brand which means more opportunities (that you actually want) will be coming your way!


attract your dream client


By creating a website that has a good flow, where the navigation is easy to understand and the layout provides information in an easy to digest format, you’re priming the viewer to make a connection with you. More importantly, you’re saving yourself the headache of answering emails that ask the same questions over and over, or attracting the wrong type of client over and over.

The better your website is at clearly stating what your business is, how to contact you, who you are, the terms of your products or services, you’re literally giving them total clarity on your brand. Being clear and transparent is the best way to build relationships with your ideal audience and that starts with clearing up any confusion about your business.


clear up buyer confusion


Rather than being subject to the rules and regulations of platforms like Facebook, Etsy or Houzz - you can finally have a dedicated URL that people can find and you control the narrative. From colors to text, you decided what you promote and how it’s relayed. You can easily push that content out to other social media sites for promotion but each link takes your customers back to the center for your business. You own it and you can easily manage it so you’re no longer forced to fit into some generic box online that prevents you from making real connections.


control the narrative





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