5 Ways Bad Web Design is Hurting Your Business


Imagine This:

An ideal prospect hears about your business (or is in the market for someone who provides your services) but before reaching out to you they check out your website to make sure you’re the person they want to interact with.

You can tell they’ve visited the website, but they never reach out to you and you never hear from them again. Why??

( Ahem! Bad website design!)

Here’s the REAL DEAL - they landed on your website and instead of feeling confident in your brand, your website created a level of uncertainty and gave them a general feeling of uneasiness about your company.

You’ve got an online space - so why isn’t it working? Your products are RIGHT THERE! You can see the services you offer and you’ve even got an “about us” section to tell them your story, they just have to click a few times to find it. So why did they leave?

This is a great example of the impact the design of your website can have on how people trust you and engage with you, and where NOT doing something costs your more than the actual investment of doing something.

Your website is your calling card for the world and your brand’s most viable asset. It’s the easiest way to connect with your audience and can either set you apart from your competitors in a good way or in a bad way


5 ways bad design is impacting your business


#1. Losing Opportunities

75% of consumers admit that they judge a business’ credibility based on their website design alone. That means, even if your work is AH-MAZ-ING - it’s not going to matter. The harder it is to navigate on your website, or if you over-load it with writing so people have to skim to find the answers to their questions - you’re losing them.


Website design plays a pivotal role in your search engine optimization (SEO) - or how easily people can find you online. Without a well organized website and depending on the way the website is developed, you’re Googs and Bing-a-ling rankings are going to plummet.

If they can’t find you, how can anyone else?


Every company uses marketing in some form to attract their audience. Your website is a valuable marketing resource for your business. If you can’t maintain or manage your website today, you’re missing out on the opportunity to provide a wealth of content through blog posts, past work examples, etc.


Poor design means your content is visually difficult to understand for those who have difficulties with accessibility. Color, tones, contrast, font selection and navigation layout all impact the way your content is consumed (or not consumed). Poor design on any of these fronts can make it incredibly difficult for people to view your content and unlikely that they will choose your brand among your competitors.


When your website looks outdated, people are going to assume that what you’re selling isn’t the best option. If you’ve worked endless hours (ahem, I feel you!) on your business, then you really do care about your representation and if your website if your calling card, it needs to display your content in a way that is contemporary and matches the brand you’ve been developing. Don’t undermine all your hard work through a website that impedes your success and damages your brand reputation.


3 Quick Tips


#1 . Make sure your website it MOBILE OPTIMIZED

The number of users accessing content online through their mobile devices has surpassed those who use a desktop! Make sure you’re website looks great on all devices and is easy to access at any time.

#2. Marie Condo your way to a clean website - aka dump the clutter!

The more clutter you have on your site (too many flash animations, auto-play videos, lengthy explanations or background music, etc.) the less likely people are going to stick around. No one has time to wait so edit the heck out of your content. Make sure you’re answering the most common questions about your business on the front page.

#3. If you don’t have the time or the skills, hire someone

Invest now so you don’t pay for it later! Remember the #1 effect of poor design? Poor design can cause you to lose opportunities, credibility and time. If you’re not a web designer, UX designer, or someone who understands how to create an engaging website that gets conversions - hire someone. Otherwise, you might be costing your business far more than the investment in hiring a professional.


Good Questions to Ask Yourself

  • If I clicked on my website and then saw a competitors, who would I feel more confident in?

  • Does my website help me attract the right people?

  • Does my website convey the feelings and attributes of my brand in the real world or how I intend people to feel when buying my products or services?

  • Would I buy from me?






Need help upgrading your online presence? Get in contact!



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