3 Things all great websites have in common


I’ll be honest - I love to design pretty things

BUT a pretty isn’t everything.

Today, we’re talking about the three major components that every great website MUST have to be successful. Regardless of how you do these things or what services you use - just DO THEM. I promise it will make all the difference!


#1. speaks directly to their ideal client

Getting your ideal customers or clients to do what you want them to do - i.e. buy your stuff, sign up for a newsletter, etc., means you’ve got to make them feel like they are in the right place and you’re the right person for the job.

So, how do you do that?

The first thing you need to do is get really clear on who your ideal client or customer is. That means knowing where they spend their time online, what problems they are struggling to solve, their income range, marital status and location.

The more clarity you can develop around your ideal client or customer and the problem they are looking to solve, the easier it will be to craft copy that actually resonates and makes them feel like you’re speaking directly to them.

But, don’t get too fluffy or deep in the weeds here - just make sure you’re tying the FUNCTIONAL benefit of your product/service with the EMOTIONAL benefit your product/service can provide.

Then - and this is a big one - talk about the PAIN POINT YOU SOLVE.




Immediately, you see what problem the Slack software solves and the subheading below speaks directly to their ideal customers (Support, engineering, sales - basically corporate teams) and elaborates on the headaches they cure. Boom! Connection!



#2. Relevant information

When writing content for your site, making edits or adding photos, a really successful websites is always centered around their end goal.

When designing your site, think of all the potential questions your ideal customer or client might have and make sure that the answers are easy to find!

Por ejemplo:

Often I see websites that are not designed with an ideal customer in mind, and suddenly I’m reading about where someone went to school or some other side project they have that inspired their designs, maybe they really believe in charity - instead of focusing in on why I’m there in the first place.

Be clear about your services, consider the common questions that come up from your clients and work that information into your website in an easy to understand way.



#3. strategic Call-TO-ACTION!

Once you figure out what your goals for your website are, i.e.: get more subscribers, it’s time to make it really, REALLY easy for your audience to take that action.

That means placing Call-To-Action (CTA) buttons or links throughout your website.

If your goal is to grow your email list, you should have a form on nearly every page, reminding your audience that they can sign up and get your goods easily. Remember, speak to the problem you solve!

Remember, each page should be designed around the primary goal for your website and making it super simple for your audience to take the action that will lead to your goal. The less clicking they have to do to contact you, buy a product or submit an inquiry for your services - the more likely they will do it!

The second key to this is to TELL THEM to take action. Don’t ask.


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